[ARCHIVED-1718] 09.16.17 TD – Tactician at a distance

Greetings, Ramblers!

Growing up, I have always been fond of video games and the importance of owning your contribution to a team effort. From quests to player vs environment, I have always been captivated by graphics and sounds and background music while living out the in-game struggle to grind or battle. With RPGs (role-playing games) as my forte, I have always been drawn to the long-distance approach of the magical classes, such as mages and wizards. Having wished I could be a magical being as a child, this class as resonated with me into adulthood, and I will most often play either the offensive or supportive mage or healer.

In playing the magical class of mage or wizard, you have a greater sense of responsibility to support the rest of the party or team. You utilize the importance of maintaining distance to better understand the surroundings, only jumping into the front lines for direct combat when necessary. You help as many people as possible by interacting with the environment or attacking with a wide instantaneous or timed range. You ensure that in a tactician’s focus, you keep an eye out for what you can control and what dangers can arise well before they hit. You are important to the team, and are often specifically sought after or requested when in need of the support.

From offensive magic that often resonates with the elements of fire, ice, lightning/thunder, or earth/nature to the defensive and supportive types like healing and buffering, I love it all. I have ventured into the realms of other long-distance offensive classes and even tank or brute force classes, but none of these have ever resonated as much with me. These classes are definitely important to getting a task done or toward completing a goal, but I get a great sense of success or fulfillment in ensuring that these classes can stay alive to do their damage in the first place. I will stand further back to give you the support you need.

This sense of fulfilling a role while striving to achieve a goal extends from this pastime to my everyday life. As a leader in the real world, I often observe from the back and try to guide while walking forward with the group. I will jump to the front only ever so often, and I enjoy being lost in the middle as others shine around me. I tend to think through problems I face in a systematic way that has emphasis on getting the most bang for my buck or the most positive impact for the most people at once. This outside-looking-in approach has worked for me all throughout my life, and this approach has helped me realize that you need not be at the forefront to make an impact or affect change.

At times, I think of life as a game. Yes, this is not always appropriate, nor is this life ever going to have resets or save points, but this mindset makes living life a bit more exciting. Knowing that I have a boss-class problem in front of me is daunting at first, but in thinking through the problem, I can put a plan into motion to chip away and finish the job. Though I know I cannot use real magic in real life, I like to think that at least in my dreams or more importantly in my personal impact, I can make magic happen. Call it the kid in me trying to maintain its existence, but I still stand strongly by this mantra. If there is a will, there is a way, and sometimes, you just need a little magic to make it work.

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